The Ocean Genome: Conservation and the Fair, Equitable and Sustainable Use of Marine Genetic Resources
Blasiak, R., R. Wynberg, K. Grorud-Colvert, S. Thambisetty, et al., World Resources Institute

The ‘ocean genome’ is the foundation upon which all marine ecosystems rest and is defined here as the ensemble of genetic material present in all marine biodiversity, including both the physical genes and the information they encode. The dynamics of the ocean genome enable organisms to adapt to diverse ecological niches and changing environmental conditions. The ocean genome also determines the productivity and resilience of biological resources, including fisheries and aquaculture, which collectively support global food security, human well-being and a sustainable ocean economy.
A deeper understanding of the ocean genome has contributed to an increased awareness of the pressures facing marine biodiversity, including those from habitat loss and degradation; overfishing and other extractive activities such as mining; climate change and the spread of invasive species.
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