Ocean Iron Fertilization (OIF) has been recognized as a potential strategy to draw down and safely store atmospheric carbon dioxide. Yet after nearly 30 years of scientific investigation, including both field trials and modeling studies, estimates of the potential for OIF to contribute to carbon dioxide removal at climate-relevant scales are still inconclusive.
A new generation of controlled field trials, coupled with better computational models, is needed to answer the remaining critical scientific questions regarding durability of carbon sequestration and associated environmental impacts of ocean iron fertilization.
In order to support the design and siting of necessary field trials, Ocean Visions has partnered with Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri) to create a first-of-its-kind Ocean Iron Fertilization Site Suitability Planning Tool.
This interactive tool includes oceanographic data layers (e.g., temperature, nutrients, light), social data layers (e.g, dependence on marine resources, presence of marine protected areas, fishing intensity), and logistical (proximity to commercial ports) to create a multidimensional and holistic picture of possible sites.
Image: Lance Asper, Unsplash